3 Benefits of Using a Property Management Company.

Tammy Jackson
4 min readDec 16, 2022
3 Benefits of Using a Property Management Company.
3 Benefits of Using a Property Management Company.

If you’re a landlord, you might be tempted to manage your rental properties yourself. It can be tempting to believe that if you just have the right information and enough time, you could make it work. However, after years of renting out homes and managing other people’s properties, I’ve come to realize that there are many excellent reasons why landlords should consider hiring a property management company in the Chicagoland area and Surrounding suburbs. In this post, we’ll look at three of them:

1: They handle the legal processes for you.

Property managers are experts in the legal processes that come with owning property. They know what to do, and more importantly, what not to do. This means they can help you avoid making costly mistakes that could cost you thousands of dollars in legal fees down the line.

2: They act as a buffer for landlords and tenants.

“We’re not your mother!”

That’s the first thing a property manager will say when you call them to complain about something. This is because they are not your mom and don’t want to be. They’re there to help you live peaceably with your tenants, but not because they feel it’s their responsibility — it’s their job. And when things go wrong between landlords and tenants, it’s always better for everyone if the conflict is mediated by a third party instead of handled directly by either party (especially if one side or both have emotional ties).

In addition to avoiding confrontations between landlords and tenants, using a professional property manager can also help avert legal issues that can quickly become costly — and even dangerous — for everyone involved. For example, A few years ago I had an extremely difficult tenant who refused to pay rent or communicate with me after moving out without notice sometime in December (which was within his lease agreement). After he had been gone for several months without returning my calls or emailing me back at all I finally decided enough was enough: It was time for him to move out of my place once and for all! So I called up my attorney friend Jesse who advised me on how he could evict this guy from our building legally through California’s landlord-tenant law process (which isn’t easy). Luckily everything worked out well thanks in part due to its laws being strict about eviction notices being served correctly; otherwise, things could’ve ended badly if anything went wrong during our legal battle over getting rid of him once again.

3: Hiring a property manager can help you avoid headaches.

The most obvious benefit of hiring a property manager is avoiding headaches. If you’re like most landlords, you have plenty of other things going on in your life that are just as or even more important than managing your rental property. A property manager can take care of the day-to-day tasks that come with owning rental units, so all you have to do is sit back and reap the rewards.

Property managers are trained to deal with tenant issues: when there’s a problem with one of your tenants, whether it be an eviction or an unpaid rent check (or both!), they will handle it for you. They know what steps must be taken in order to resolve such problems and they’ll keep you informed along the way so that no legal action is required on your part if possible.

Property managers also know how to prevent maintenance issues before they happen by checking things like plumbing connections and appliances regularly; this saves money by preventing small problems from becoming big ones later on down the road! Plus there won’t be any surprises when it comes time for annual inspections because everything will already be checked out at least once per year.”

Bottom Line.

You may be a great property manager, but that doesn’t mean you know how to maintain a rental property. You could be the best property manager in the world and still not know how to take care of your rental properties. The fact is that there is a difference between being an excellent residential or commercial property manager and being an excellent maintenance specialist.

Property management companies can help you manage your rental property and avoid the headaches that come with it. If you’re looking to invest in real estate, then you need property managers who will act as your eyes and ears on the ground.



Tammy Jackson

Broker @ KM Realty Group, a professional real estate agency in Chicago IL that specializes in value-added residential sales, purchases & property management.